Saltire Prize Info Papers Released

Authorities & Government

The Scottish Government has released presentation slides and questions and answers from information event about Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund, held in March this year.

In February this year, Scotland relaunched the Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund to help commercial deployment of tidal projects.

The £10-million fund will target support to achieving commercial deployment of tidal energy generation in Scottish waters through driving innovation and reduction in the cost of electricity generated.

The Saltire Prize challenge was initially launched in 2008 to reward wave and tidal energy breakthroughs.

This concentrated support for tidal energy sits alongside the parallel £30 million committed to date by the Scottish Government to Wave Energy Scotland (WES), and a further £10 million proposed for WES in 2019/20.

Applications to the fund will close on 6 December 2019, with successful projects planed for deployment in Scottish waters no later than March 2020.

The papers from information session are available for download HERE.