Scottish Gov to take over Crown Estate’s management functions in Scotland

Authorities & Government

Following a recommendation by the Smith Commission, the Crown Estate’s management functions in Scotland will be transferring to the Scottish Government. 

The Crown Estate has put in place a distinct Scottish operating division with its own business plan, management information and financial reporting.

This new business division will be led by Ronnie Quinn, who is currently Head of Ocean Energy at the Crown Estate. As well as formally leading the business in Scotland, Quinn will also retain his Ocean Energy responsibilities.

Alan Laidlaw also continues in his role as Portfolio Manager, Rural and Coastal.

The Scotland operating division is an interim arrangement and will continue up to the point at which the Crown Estate’s management functions in Scotland formally transfer to the Scottish Government.

Decisions on the content of the legislation required to devolve the functions in Scotland are a matter for the UK and Scottish governments and parliaments.

“We will work to inform the process to ensure a swift and smooth transfer of the management of our assets in Scotland. We have a clear commitment to protect the interests of our staff, tenants, customers and the communities with whom we work throughout the process,” the Crown Estate said.

Image: The Crown Estate