Statnett assigns grid capacity for Aker Horizons’ ammonia projects in Norway

Business Developments & Projects

Energy company Aker Horizons has been allocated a grid capacity of 250 MW for its large-scale green ammonia plant under development in Kvandal outside Narvik and 120 MW for its facility in Berlevåg, both in Northern Norway, by system operator Statnett.

Illustration; Courtesy of Aker Horizons

The company said the grid capacity in Kvandal was allocated through Nordkraft Industrinett, noting that the allocation ensures that the Narvik green ammonia project, being developed in partnership with Statkraft, has sufficient grid for daily production of up to 1,000 tons of green ammonia.

This project aims to reach its final investment decision (FID) in 2025, with a target of starting commercial operations in 2028.

“We are pleased to have been allocated the grid capacity for our Narvik green ammonia project from Statnett. This award adds a key component in realizing the project, strengthening the opportunity to establish Kvandal and Narvik as a hub for new green industry in the region,” Kristoffer Dahlberg, Chief Financial Officer in Aker Horizons Asset Development, stated.

To remind, energy company Statkraft joined Aker Horizons as a partner on the hydrogen and ammonia project in Narvik in October 2023.

According to Aker Horizons, the project team from both companies will develop and mature the project together, with the aim of establishing a jointly owned company, Narvik Green Ammonia.


In regard to Berlevåg, being developed with Varanger Kraft, Aker Horizons informed that the grid capacity was awarded through Barents Nett.

The company said the 120 MW will be available when the new 420kv-line to Seidafjellet is completed, highlighting that the allocation is a key step towards realizing large-scale green ammonia production in Berlevåg.