Taking advantage of valuable data

Business & Finance

While organizations have to digest a higher volume of data every year, more companies seem to struggle in this situation. But focusing on analyzing data is important, especially for the oil and gas industry.

Due to the combination of increasing operations and the lower oil prices, taking advantage of this valuable data is crucial. Not only to reduce costs but also to minimize losses and improve safety.

With this year’s theme Investing in the Future of Energy, Offshore Energy 2015 Exhibition and Conference in Amsterdam will save a spot for a Technical Session on Data Management. In this session, we will discuss how technical data management can lead to better-informed business decisions in oil and gas with a particular focus on offshore.

Michael Nord, the moderator of the session, is the principal advisor at Fifth Business. He is currently working on a technical data management project at Shell: “Even at a multinational such as Shell, implementing good technical data management is quite new. The company has a lot of data to consume. Of course collecting and using this data existed already, but in another form.”

Matthias Hartung became Vice President of Technical Data at Shell in June 2012. In this position, he handles global discipline leadership in Technical Data Management (TDM) to improve quality and utilization of technical data throughout Shell.

During his presentation, Hartung will explain how you manage technical data in a company of 90,000 staff worldwide. Together with other major oil and gas companies Shell has taken the initiative to establish an MSc degrees in Petroleum Data Management soon to be offered from institutions such as Aberdeen University and the University of Houston.

This will provide the talent needed by the industry to manage its demand in professional Technical Data Management resources going forward.

Saskia Rijtema is Vice President Technology at Heerema Marine Contractors. She leads a team of 600 engineers worldwide providing services to the installation vessels as well as designing full field developments for SURF EPCIs. Her presentation will be about adding value by effectively capturing data. Translating stored data into applicable, specific, up-to-date, easily accessible information, which is widely used and well maintained has proven to be a challenge. Rijtema will discuss her experiences with capturing knowledge and the steps she is taking to improve collective memory.

Last but definitely not least Tirza van Dalen, Director of the Geological Survey of the Netherlands TNO, as well as head of the TNO Digital Information of the Netherlands Subsurface (DINO) department will contribute to the Technical Data Management session. Van Dalen has extensive experience in management of innovative projects.

Most notably, she is currently leading the development of the new Dutch “Key register of the Subsurface”. This central facility for all public data on the subsurface in the Netherlands is unique in the fact that all public organizations will be required to deliver these, through web services to the BRO. The BRO builds in the current DINO (Digital Information on the Netherlands Subsurface) database, which already holds a worldwide unprecedented density of data on the subsurface in the Netherlands
The technical session: Technical Data Management takes place Tuesday the 12th of October between 14.00 and 16.00 o’clock. Check the full Conference Program (https://offshore-energy.biz/conference/conference-program-1/) at Offshore Energy 2015.

Source: Navingo BV, Image: Pixabay