Tasneef to Class 31 Vessels for Irshad

Business & Finance

Emirates Classification Society (Tasneef), a national classification society of United Arab Emirates,  and Abu Dhabi Petroleum Ports Operating Company (Irshad), a wholly owned subsidiary of ADNOC, recently signed a one year contract through which Tasneef will survey and classify 31 of Irshad’s offshore vessels. 

The agreement includes the classification of tugs, pilot boats, crew boats and barges, and it comes in compliance with the safety regulations for non-conventional ships that are not covered by the International Convention (GCC Code) which has been put into effect since September 2014.

”We are looking forward to expanding our services towards Irshad and we will continue our support to them by offering several maritime classification services including the annual periodical inspection of their ships to ensure compliance with the terms of crew safety; checking the efficiency, crew qualifications and required training needs; in addition to examining their hulls and engines to confirm compliance with all the conditions related to the safety and protection of the environment,” Rashed Al Hebsi, CEO of Tasneef, said.

”All the procedures taken by Tasneef in ship inspection processes are based on the terms and conditions of international treaties and agreements signed by the UAE, under which we will issue compliance certificates for ships complying with international standards thus, enabling them to sail and carry out their operations anywhere in the world.”