TEAMER announces first request for technical support

The Testing Expertise and Access for Marine Energy Research (TEAMER) program is now accepting applications for testing and expertise support.

Announced by the US DOE last year, TEAMER’s mission is to accelerate the viability of marine renewables.

It provides access facilities and expertise to solve challenges, build knowledge, foster innovation, and drive commercialization.

TEAMER program will launch three to four annual open funding calls for three years and distribute approximately $13 million.

This will be done through Requests for Technical Support (RFTS), to support marine renewable energy testing and development projects.

The RFTS 1 application period will remain open until 31 July 2020.

Applicants can apply to receive technical support from pre-approved testing and expertise facilities listed on the TEAMER Facility Network page.

Open water testing is not available for RFTS 1.

However, TEAMER plans to support open water and field testing in future RFTS.

Applicants need to consult their 1-2 facilities of interest prior to applying to ensure their RFTS is within the capabilities of the facility and aligns with the goals of the TEAMER program.

Upon acceptance, applicants will work with the facility to complete a thorough test plan prior to the access period.

A pre-recorded webinar will be available on 2 June 2020 covering how to apply.