U.S. offshore rig count goes down

Exploration & Production

Last week’s offshore rig count in the U.S. dropped by one unit, according to a Friday report by an oilfield services provider, Baker Hughes. 

BHI Rig Count: U.S. +11 to 927 rigs

U.S. Rig Count is up 11 rigs from last week to 927, with oil rigs up 8 to 741, gas rigs up 3 to 185, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged at 1.

U.S. Rig Count is up 513 rigs from last year’s count of 414, with oil rigs up 413, gas rigs up 100, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged.

The U.S. Offshore Rig Count is down 1 rig from last week to 22 and up 1 rig year over year.

BHI Rig Count: Canada +33 to 132 rigs

Canadian Rig Count is up 33 rigs from last week to 132, with oil rigs up 23 to 74 and gas rigs up 10 to 58.

Canadian Rig Count is up 67 rigs from last year’s count of 65, with oil rigs up 45 and gas rigs up 22.