UK: Stockton North MP, Alex Cunningham: “IHC EB Represents the Future and the Best of the Past”


In a visit to IHC Engineering Business (EB) on Tuesday 31 August 2010, local Labour MP, Alex Cunningham, (Stockton North), declared that the company which recently (31 May 2010) completed an order to build one of the world’s biggest marine pipe laying machines, represents the “future and the best of the past”.

Local MP, Alex Cunningham, whose Stockton North constituency contains the facility at Port Clarence where the marine pipe laying machine was built said:

“What a company. What a facility. What an order book! I had a fantastic visit to EB’s Teesside operations which is right next to the north side of the famous Transporter Bridge in my constituency.

I believe that EB, and companies like EB, in the high end design and manufacturing engineering sector, truly represent the future and the best of the past for Stockton and the North East’s engineering sector.

I was delighted to see the facility that built one of the world’s biggest marine pipe laying machines at the end of May this year and meet some of the workers who built it.

Indeed I mentioned this in my maiden speech as an MP in the House on Tuesday 8 June 2010:

“My Stockton North constituency has a long history as an industrial hothouse, with engineering, chemical manufacture and shipbuilding. Work with metal for building ships and some of the world’s most famous bridges has always been at the centre of our community. Even just two weeks ago [end of May 2010], we saw the world’s largest marine pipe-laying machine loaded on board a ship and exported to the far east. Built in my constituency by IHC Engineering Business, it will subsequently be deployed in the Gulf of Mexico and off the Brazilian coast, laying pipe lines for, among others, BP, Exxon-Mobil and Shell.”

This company and several hundred strong workforce in the North East has a bright future. They are designing and building things that currently the Chinese and Korean engineers cannot build. I wish them continued success. We have to keep our noses ahead of the far east to keep this world class expertise and the high quality jobs it provides on Teesside.”

EB’s, Managing Director, Toby Bailey said:

“We were delighted to welcome Alex Cunningham to our Teesside facility in the Stockton North Parliamentary constituency today and brief him about where the company has come from, where it is going and to give him a tour of the site.

We were honoured to be mentioned in his maiden Commons speech back in June. It’s great we have a locally active and supportive MP in Parliament for this Parliament.

We will strive to continue to deliver world leading engineering solutions for our clients – on time and on budget from our Teesside facilities and others.”

Company profile IHC Merwede

IHC Merwede is focussed on the continuous development of design and construction activities for the specialist maritime sector. It is the global market leader for efficient dredging and mining vessels and equipment – with vast experience accumulated over decades – and an outstanding supplier of custom-built ships and supplies for offshore construction.

IHC Merwede has in-house expertise for engineering and manufacturing innovative vessels and advanced equipment, as well as providing life-cycle support. Its integrated systematic approach has helped to develop optimum product performance and long-term business partnerships.

The company’s broad customer base includes dredging operators, oil and gas corporations, offshore contractors and government authorities.

IHC Merwede has over 3,000 employees based at various locations in The Netherlands, China, Croatia, France, India, the Middle East, Nigeria, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, United Kingdom and the United States.

Technological innovation will remain the company’s underlying strength through its continuous investment in research and development. Moreover, it helps to safeguard a sustainable environment.


Source: IHC, September 1, 2010,