Unique Fuel Efficiency System

“Many people are unaware of the contamination of their fuel tanks”, states Theo van der Linden of Van der Linden BV. “The sludge in the tanks is actually bacteria, that have been able to grow due to water or condensation.” Van der Linden BV, based in Lienden, the Netherlands, has developed a unique, complementary system which removes and prevents fuel contamination caused by harmful bacterial growth. Furthermore, the sustainable solution has been designed to maintain as well as cleanse the fuel tanks.

“The system was initially developed due to demand from various industries. Although the maritime industry is relatively new to us, even the demand from this sector is growing”, says Van der Linden. The Micro- Separator is a cleaning process based on three principles: centrifugal force, surface tension and coalescence. The incoming fuel is forced into a rotary motion through conductor plates to the bottom compartment of the Micro-Separator. During this first cleaning phase the speed of the fluid is brought back to a minimum. Water and other parts, heavier than the diesel fuel, are thus separated without causing an emulsion and remain collected until they are drained from the separator.

“The next phase entails the fuel running through ceramic elements, called the ‘coalescor’, a technological device used to separate emulsions from their components. The remaining pollution and water drops unite in this phase and are fed back to the bottom of the separator. The cleaned fuel improves the efficiency and reliability of the engine. To work adequately the Micro-Separator has to be fitted between the fuel tank and the fuel filter, therefore forming the first line of defense for the fuel system”, comments Van der Linden.


Not only the Micro-Separator improves the fuel, an additive is the Fuel-Stabiliser. Van der Linden: “Over a hundred fifty species of bacteria and fungi grow in diesel fuel, creating acids and thereby making fuel unstable. Additionally, the bacteria contamination creates rust and sludge, which can eventually damage the fuel pumps and injectors. The Fuel-Stabiliser can return the fuel back to a stable state and also forces bacteria into a dormant state, which means they can no longer form colonies. The whole process prevents the fuel from disintegrating.”

As the demand for these products is increasing Van der Linden believes they will continue to develop and finetune these innovations. The first challenge will be to make the products available to larger engines. The Micro-Separator is already available up to 12,500 ltr/h. Van der Linden concludes: “Furthermore the Micro-Seperator will be tested by a leading maritime company during the coming months, which will hopefully lead to more development within the maritime industry.”

Rebecca McFedries