Scarabeo 8 rig will drill the four wells for Vår Energi

Vår Energi secures permits for four North Sea wells

Authorities & Government

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) has granted Vår Energi a drilling permit for four wells located in the North Sea offshore Norway.

Scarabeo 8 rig; Source: Saipem

The wells 25/8-20 S, 25/8-20 A, 25/8-20 B, and 25/8-20 C are located in the production licence 027 where Vår Energi is the operator with a 90 per cent interest and Mime Petroleum is its partner with the remaining 10 per cent interest.

The wells will be drilled from the Saipem-owned semi-submersible drilling rig Scarabeo 8 after concluding the drilling of water injection wells for Vår Energi in production licence 229.

The drilling programme for wells 25/8-20 S and 25/8-20 B relates to the drilling of wildcat wells while the drilling programme for wells 25/8-20 A and 25/8-20 C relates to the drilling of appraisal wells in production licence 027.

The area in this licence consists of parts of block 25/8. The well will be drilled about 8 kilometres north of the Balder field.

Production licence 027 was awarded on 23 May 1969 (Round 2-A). These are the 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th exploration wells to be drilled in the licence.

The permit is contingent on the operator securing all other permits and consents required by other authorities prior to starting the drilling activity.