VIDEO: Forum Provides VMAX Simulator Overview

Business & Finance

VIDEO Forum Provides VMAX Simulator Overview

VMAX Project simulator software is used to develop various offshore simulation applications (e.g. ROV, Crane, Vessel simulation, Asset Integrity Management software).

The VMAX Project Simulator (ROV module) provides standard functionality for any ROV equipment and allows accurate simulation of the equipment in a subsea environment. VMAX has been successfully used by operators, service companies and engineering firms to run simulations of complex situations in a subsea environment for many years. It has been especially useful in situations where expensive assets were deployed or spread rates have been substantial. In deep water, where Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and specialty tooling are used to perform complicated tasks, VMAX Project Simulator increases the probability of success. The software has been used for pilots and trainers to utilize in their rehearsal and training sessions. Engineering firms and ROV operators validate engineering designs with procedures for on-site rehearsal and instant feedback, prior to Systems Integration Testing.

VMAX has had a successful track record within the industry over the years and capitalizes on that by releasing its new software, VMAX 2.0, which provides more flexibility and power to its end users. VMAX has helped reduce costly engineering change orders and improves operating margins on significant projects most notably projects such as Cascade & Chinook field for Petrobras US.

VMAX Project Simulator software can be installed on both dedicated simulation kits provided by VMAX in a real control environmental setup. Connected with a vast array of ROV top-side control consoles, VMAX can be installed on a standard desktop PC or laptop computer. Additional control peripherals are available that provide the functionality of a full hardware console in a small plug-and-play USB interfaced mini-console.

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March 22, 2013; Image: Forum