VIDEO: Sabella’s French connection

Operations & Maintenance

Sabella, a French-based tidal energy developer, has recently connected its D10 tidal turbine with the Ushant island, France.

Bourbon’s Argonaut tugboat, provided by the French Navy, was used to connect the cable jumper with the export cable. The cable connection operation was completed on September 21, 2015.

In the following days, it will be connected to the electricity grid of the Ushant island.

Sabella’s 1 MW D10 tidal turbine was installed on June 25 this year.

The turbine is expected to cover 15-20% of the Ushant island’s electricity needs, and Sabella plans to keep the turbine submerged for one year to conduct trials, without adding additional turbines.

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Image/Video: Sabella