Wilson Sons acquires stake in a tech startup Docktech

Wilson Sons takes stake in tech startup Docktech

Ports & Logistics

Brazil’s port and maritime logistics operator Wilson Sons revealed investment in an Israeli startup to measure navigational depth in ports.

Courtesy of Wilson Sons
Wilson Sons acquires stake in a tech startup Docktech
Courtesy of Wilson Sons

Docktech startup is developed with the goal of mapping the patterns that occur underwater inside and outside ports, using data generated by ships and tugs.  

Wilson Sons acquired a minority equity participation at Docktech and a commercial exclusivity agreement to install Docktech’s technology throughout Brazilian ports.

As explained, the mission, the mission is to understand the pattern and the silting behavior of Brazilian ports, predicting how certain factors could affect navigation conditions and security. This is to be achieved through the digital twins technology developed by Docktech and the data collected by its fleet of 80 tugboats.

Wilson Sons tugboats collect and process bathymetric data (depth measurement) of the ports where they are operating and, using the Docktech algorithm, monitor, in real-time, the depth of the mooring berths and waterways access. Using this data, it is possible to predict changes by recognizing patterns, ensuring greater safety for navigation, the company reports.

The ports of Santos and Rio Grande are already running this technology with reported encouraging results. The plan is to implement the solution in the coming weeks in Rio de Janeiro, Açu and Vitória ports, and later to expand to all places where Wilson Sons operates.

Márcio Castro, executive director of the tugboats business unit from Wilson Sons, said: “The worldwide maritime infrastructure still does not offer tools capable of accurately determining the real depth of the access channels to the ports and the mooring berths. With the Docktech solution, it is possible to make this measurement more precisely and, thus, avoid underutilizing ship’s cargo capacity and wasting dredging resources.”

Last year, the company also acquired a minority share in another startup. AIDrivers is a startup specialized in the development of autonomous mobility systems for port equipment.

Wilson Sons identified more than 400 high potential startups in the port and maritime segment in several countries, before making this investment.