EMGS names new employee-elected board members

Business & Finance

Norwegian geophysical services company EMGS has elected new members of the company’s board of directors.

EMGS said on Tuesday that Ragnhild Gaupen Gåsø, Ellen Trolid, and Joseph Fletcher were elected by the employees of the company as new alternate employee-elected members of the board of directors of the EMGS.

Following the appointments, the employee elected alternate board members will be Ragnhild Gaupen Gåsø and Ellen Trolid (as alternates for employee-elected member of the board of directors, Marte Vist Karlsen), and Magne Andersen Drage and Joseph Fletcher (as alternates for employee-elected member of the board of directors, Adam James Skogrand Robinson).

The company added that there were no other changes to the board of directors of EMGS.

Also on Tuesday, EMGS received a contract on Tuesday for a prefunded multi-client acquisition offshore Indonesia.