Prysmian: CNP-1 Subsea Link Launched (Philippines)

Business & Finance

The submarine power cable link to connect Negros and Panay islands in the Philippines has been successfully commissioned, Italian cable major Prysmian said on Friday.

This is the first stage of the project CNP-1 (Cebu-Negros-Panay phase 1), awarded to Prysmian by the Filipino grid operating company NGCP (National Grid Corporation of the Philippines).

“Prysmian was honored with the award of this project in December 2014 and it has been able to execute the whole works in accordance with the delivery schedule and budget thanks to the close cooperation of NGCP,” explains Massimo Battaini, Energy Projects senior vice president at Prysmian.

The CNP-1 cable connection comprises three HVAC (High Voltage Alternating Current) 230 kV single core cables with XLPE insulation and single wire armouring along a 22 km submarine route across the Guimaras Strait. Cables have been produced Prysmian’s excellence centre for submarine cables in Arco Felice, near Naples, Italy.