Ping DSP Launches New Bathymetry System


Ping DSP has launched a new shallow water bathymetry system, the 3DSS-iDX-450.

Dr. Paul Kraeutner, PingDSP’s founder and CEO, said: “Performance, versatility and simplicity, that’s what shallow water hydrographers want, and that’s exactly what the 3DSS-iDX is all about.”

The PingDSP engineering team worked closely with both SBG Systems and AML Oceanographic to provide integration of hydrography grade peripherals into the iDX sonar head.

The newly integrated OEM Ellipse2-E INS or optional Ekinox2 provides accurate sonar attitude, heading and heave information in a GNSS aided package. While the recently unveiled AML MicroX SVT probe provides accurate sound velocity at the transducer face for seamless real-time angle corrections, the company explained.

The 3DSS-iDX can be deployed on almost any size vessel or autonomous/remote controlled surface vehicle operating in a range of environments such as coastal white zones, ports and harbours, rivers and lakes, inland waterways, reservoirs, and tailings ponds.