ABS bags Botas' FSRU classification job

ABS bags Botas’ FSRU classification job

Project & Tenders

American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has been selected to class a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) for the Turkish oil and gas pipeline operator Botas. 

Image courtesy of ABS

Planned to be built at Korea’s Hyundai Heavy Industries shipyard, the FSRU will have a 170,000 cubic meter storage capacity and a 1,000 mmscfd LNG discharge capacity, ABS notes in its statement.

The FSRU will be jetty moored off the coast of Turkey and operated by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL).

The unit will be classed using the ABS Guide for Building and Classing LNG Regasification Vessels, the statement reads.

Speaking of the FSRU, ABS manager for Turkey, Seyfettin Tatli, said, “this FSRU will help Botas expand Turkey’s energy infrastructure and reduce dependency on pipeline gas.”

To remind, Turkey already has two FSRU’s in operation. The FSRU Neptune was launched in December 2017 in the Aliaga industrial area, adjacent to Cakmaklı village, in the south-western part of Candarlı Bay, near Izmir.

The second unit, MOL FSRU Challenger, the world’s largest FSRU with an LNG storage capacity of 263,000 cubic meters, re-shipment and gas transfer capabilities, and a regas discharge capacity of 540 million cubic meters per day, was commissioned at a port in Dörtyol, Hatay located on the country’s Mediterranean coast in February this year.