ABS: LNG numbers up in 2014


ABS, the provider of maritime and offshore classification services, said it has captured more than 31 pct of the LNG carrier order book and 23 pct of the very large LPG carriers on order in 2014.

In 2014, the ABS-classed fleet grew by more than 7 percent year-on-year to 221 million gross tons, the classification society said in a statement on Friday.

Crude tankers continued to represent the largest amount of tonnage within the ABS-classed fleet.

In 2014, the total increased by nearly 4 million gt to over 77 million gt, which equates to over 1,300 vessels. Total tonnage in bulk carriers increased to 46 million gt, with 351 bulk carriers representing over 20 million gt on order to ABS class.


LNG World News Staff; Image: ABS