Aker BP seeks to simplify subsea ops with ROCS order

Aker BP seeks to simplify subsea ops with ROCS order


Norwegian oil and gas player Aker BP has awarded compatriot subsea technology company Optime Subsea with a contract to develop and deliver multiple remotely operated controls systems (ROCS) for use on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).

Source: Optime Subsea

Aker BP has placed an order with Optime Subsea for the rental and service of five newbuild ROCS systems under the contract valid for three years with options for two one-year extensions.

“This is a substantial contract that marks another chapter for remotely operated controls systems. Aker BP has been a major supporter of this technology from the start. They helped fund development of the first-generation system and they were the first operator to use our popular second-generation ROCS, which we will further enhance as part of this latest contract,” said Jan-Fredrik Carlsen, CEO of Optime Subsea.

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The ROCS systems will be deployed on the Skarv Satellite Projects, Symra and Solveig Phase 2 (Utsira High), and Yggdrasil which in total have approximately 55 wells that are planned to be completed with the ROCS. 

The systems will be equipped with a new tubing hanger orientation system known as OTHOS, said to ensure precise positioning of the tubing hanger, eliminating the need for intricate and time-consuming rig interface work.

Optime Subsea will manufacture the systems at its headquarters in Notodden.

“Digitalisation and simplification of subsea operations is a key part of Aker BP’s strategy to reduce operating time and expenditure, lower our CO2-fooprint and achieve less HSE exposure on the drill floor,” said Mads Rødsjø, VP D&W Operations at Aker BP.

“We have already achieved significant savings through the current ROCS systems we have in operation, and we aim to realise an even bigger potential with the five additional systems that will play key roles in our ambitious NCS field development programme.”

Optime Subsea explains that its second-generation ROCS has eliminated the need for the umbilical, which traditionally connects the surface to the seabed for controlling the tubing hanger in subsea well completions, and the associated topside hydraulic control unit, therefore significantly reducing operators’ capex investments.