A Sea Swift platform from Aquaterra

Aquaterra gets order to deliver multiple Sea Swift platforms

Project & Tenders

Offshore energy engineering solutions provider Aquaterra Energy has secured a multi-million dollar master engineering and design service agreement with an unnamed supermajor to deliver multiple Sea Swift platforms over a three-year period. The initial platform will be powered by renewable energy.

A Sea Swift platform from Aquaterra

The platforms will be destined for off the coast of the Cabinda Province, offshore Angola.

According to Aquaterra Energy’s statement on Tuesday, the work has already begun on the first platform, which will be engineered for a 20-year production life in approximately 75m of water. As explained by Aquaterra, its Sea Swift solution was chosen for its flexible design, which supports minimised installation times, and for its ability to be fabricated in-country.

To support decarbonisation initiatives, the initial platform will be equipped with solar panels, which will allow the supermajor to power the platform purely from renewable energy. Aquaterra Energy will manage the entire project scope via its in-house engineering and design teams and will work alongside an in-country partner.

Stewart Maxwell, Technical Director at Aquaterra Energy

Stewart Maxwell, Technical Director at Aquaterra Energy, commented: “Throughout the pandemic, we have proven ourselves as a reliable partner that can deliver results and provide economic value in adverse conditions”.

Stewart continued, “It’s exciting to be able to deliver a platform of this scale that will be entirely self-sufficient and powered by renewable sources. We’ll also be looking to optimise the design to use less steel and maximise in-country logistics, as we do all we can to embrace our transitioning energy sector and reduce carbon emission impacts. West Africa is an important region to us and we want to continue increasing our work here, as well as sharing our skills and knowledge with local engineers and partners”.