Arctic Mooring JIP Launched in Houston

Business & Finance

Arctic Mooring JIP Launched in Houston

Global Maritime and Kwan Engineering Services in Houston have launched an industry wide Joint Industry Project (JIP) to develop design standards and operation practises for arctic and other cold regions mooring systems.

According to Alberto Morandi, President of American Global Maritime Inc, the main aim is to create a guidance document which can be used as a foundation document for industry standards or company specific design and operation guidelines worldwide. It is however also an initiative for providing a forum for the industry to exchange information.

Global Maritime manages the JIP with Tom Kwan from Kwan Engineering Services, who is the main contractor and technical leader of the project. Although there are several initiatives already related to ice management and ice load prediction, this project is unique in specifically addressing mooring systems in the Arctic region.

Successful start-up.

A kick-off meeting took place at the offices of Genesis Engineering Tuesday 4th June 2013 with the presence of various industry parties including Noble Drilling, Technip, Granherne, Keppel Offshore & Marine, Statoil and Shell, all of which formally joined the JIP. The U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) has also joined the JIP, while other parties, according to Morandi, are in the final stages of contract review and procurement.

Major contractors such as Vryhof, Lankhorst, DSM, InterMoor and Vicinay/Ramnas have offered service in kind bringing further specialised technical input to the project. Morandi says: “New participants are welcomed as the strong interest by the industry so far indicates that the project is expected to expand further and attract additional stakeholders. So far, we are very pleased with the variety of companies contributing to the project with their experience and expertise.”

Press Release, November 05, 2013