Belgium: CEDA Annual General Meeting 2012 Approaches

CEDA Annual General Meeting 2012 Approaches

CEDA Belgian Section will host the thirty-fourth Annual General Meeting of the Central Dredging Association.

This meeting will be held at 19:30 hrs on Tuesday, 16 October 2012 at the Van der Valk Hotel Beveren, in Beveren-Waas, Belgium.

The AGM will be followed by the regular fall meeting of the Belgian Section of CEDA on the London Gateway Project.


1. Opening

2. Minutes of the previous AGM (10 November 2011, Rotterdam, the Netherlands)

3. President’s report on the year 2011/2012

4. Secretary/Treasurer’s report on the year 2011

5. Report of the Audit Committee

6. Appointment of a new Audit Committee

7. Any other business

8. Closing.


Press Release, September 26, 2012