Belgium to get Qatari LNG cargo

Belgium to get Qatari LNG cargo
Milaha Qatar at the Zeebrugge terminal (Image courtesy of Fluxys)

Fluxys-operated Zeebrugge LNG terminal is scheduled to receive a cargo of liquefied natural gas from Qatar later this month. 

According to the shipping data, the 145,602-cbm LNG carrier Milaha Qatar departed Qatar’s Ras Laffan complex on Saturday, March 4.

The 2006-built vessel is scheduled to dock at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal’s jetty on March 20.

The Zeebrugge LNG terminal, that mainly imports LNG from Qatar, has an annual throughput capacity of nine billion cubic meters of natural gas.

In January, Fluxys has officially opened the second jetty at the Zeebrugge terminal with the first commercial loading of an LNG carrier.

Currently, a 5th LNG storage tank and additional process facilities are under construction at the terminal.


LNG World News Staff