Canada: C-NLOPB Approves Corridor Resources Geohazard Survey Program

The C-NLOPB has approved an application by Corridor Resources Inc. to conduct a geohazard survey in the Maritimes Basin in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The geohazard survey, which includes a four-day low energy seismic survey, will take approximately six days to complete.

The mitigative measures that Corridor must implement include, but are not limited to, gradual start of the seismic airgun array to discourage marine mammals from staying in the immediate area. Also, Corridor must ensure that the seismic airgun array is shut down if a marine mammal, or sea turtle listed as Endangered or Threatened pursuant to the Species at Risk Act, is observed in the safety zone.

In consideration of concerns expressed by some members of the public concerning the Application, the Board is applying an additional level of regulatory oversight to the proposed program, beyond that typically applied to marine geohazard surveys. The Board has requested of the Fish, Food, and Allied Workers (FFAW) Union that its Fisheries Liaison Officer (FLO) aboard the survey vessel act on behalf of C-NLOPB during the program in monitoring the proper implementation of mitigative measures applicable to the survey. The FLO has training as a Marine Mammal Observer and the FFAW will provide a report to C-NLOPB following conclusion of the survey.

As part of the environmental assessment process, the C-NLOPB consulted with experts at Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment Canada and other government agencies to advise on the possible environmental implications of the project. Corridor Resources held consultations with stakeholders who may be affected by program activities and reported the results to the C-NLOPB.

The C-NLOPB and its advising agencies are collectively satisfied with the company’s response and Corridor Resources Inc. has been notified of the results of the assessment. The environmental assessment has concluded that, with the application of mitigation measures, the project is not likely to result in any significant adverse environmental effects.


Source: C-NLOPB,October 5, 2010,