Car Carrier Hits Ground off Sweden

Business & Finance

The Panama-flagged car carrier Makassar Highway ran aground in the Tjust archipelago, off the coast of Loftahammar, Sweden in the morning hours of July 23.

Image Courtesy: Swedish Coast Guard

An undisclosed amount of oil leaked from the vessel following the incident, the Swedish Coast Guard confirmed, adding that the risk of further pollution is currently low.

The initial damage report showed that the 6,890 dwt vessel suffered two ruptures in its hull, however, these were not near the ship’s fuel tanks.

The officials informed that divers and camera equipment would be sent to conducted a detailed investigation of the hull.

Makassar Highway was on its way from Germany’s port of Cuxhaven to Swedish Södertälje port at the time of the incident. The 2001-built unit, operated by Japan’s Mitsubishi Corporation, was carrying around 1,300 cars on board.

Following an inquiry into the reasons which led to the grounding, Swedish authorities arrested a crew member.  Media reports suggested that the ship’s chief mate had been arrested for allegedly drinking at the helm.

World Maritime News Staff