CCS greenlights Weishi Energy’s liquid H2 fuel supply system

Certification & Classification

China Classification Society (CCS) has issued an approval in principle (AiP) for a marine liquid hydrogen fuel supply system which is developed by Weishi Energy Technology Hebei Co.

China Classification Society (CCS)

As informed, Weishi Energy’s marine liquid hydrogen fuel supply system is developed based on the actual application scenarios and the environmental conditions for the installation and use of marine products. 

It features an integrated design of marine liquid hydrogen tank and cold box, supercooled hydrogen storage technology, heat exchange technology, regulated hydrogen supply technology, and subcooled hydrogenation technology.

Furthermore, a “dual-boost” design is adopted to ensure rapid system startup and to meet the needs of multiple working conditions.

The issuance of this AIP certificate, dubbed the first in China, has provided a theoretical basis for the practical application of hydrogen energy on ships in the future, according to CCS.

During the evaluation process, CCS fully leveraged its technological advantages, made multiple in-depth exchanges and verification with Weishi Energy Technology Hebei Co., Ltd. in terms of system principle, process flow, safety and reliability of the marine liquid hydrogen supply system, and finally successfully completed this AIP work.

Further cooperation will be made between CCS and the manufacturer on the approval of hydrogen fuel cells.

The partners will work together to provide important product supply and technical support for the application of hydrogen energy ships and the industrialization of liquid hydrogen technology in China.

This is to contribute to the low-carbon transformation and green development of shipbuilding and shipping industries. 

China Classification Society, together with several Chinese industry majors, has recently launched the Sustainable Shipping Innovation and Development Initiative (SSIDI) to back maritime decarbonisation efforts.

The partners work closely together to explore and research alternative fuels. Furthermore, the initiative includes research work focused on the economy, safety, technology maturity, policies and regulations, fuel availability, market mechanism and other aspects of alternative fuels for shipping.

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