China’s 2016 LNG imports rise 33 pct YoY

For illustration only (Image courtesy of CNOOC)

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports into China, the world’s largest energy consumer, rose 33 percent in 2016 as compared to the year before, according to the General Administration of Customs data.

China imported 26.06 million mt of the chilled fuel in 2016, as compared to 19.63 million mt in 2015, the data shows.

The country imported record 3.73 million tonnes of LNG in December, topping the previous record 2.66 million tonnes that landed in China in November as a cold snap across the country spurred demand. Compared to December in 2015, LNG imports rose 78.1 percent.

China started importing chilled gas in 2006 and is currently the world’s third largest LNG importer– representing about 8% of global LNG imports in 2015.

The country’s LNG imports are expected to continue to rise in the next five years as it as it is seeking to cut its addiction to coal to reduce pollution.


LNG World News Staff