CMA CGM’s Bolloré Logistics rolls out solution to reduce CO2 impact of ships

Business Developments & Projects

Transport and logistics company Bolloré Logistics has launched SEAalternative, an offer to reduce the carbon impact of ocean shipments thanks to the use of biofuel.

Bolloré Logistics

Previously available through two carriers, the SEAalternative solution is now available on any trade lanes and any carriers.

According to the company, it can provide up to an 84% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to conventional shipping, with respect to the physical limit as per Smart Freight Center guidelines. SEAalternative uses biofuel derived from used cooking oil, excluding palm oil.

This sustainable solution relies on an end-to-end seamless and verified process. Bolloré Logistics allocates the biofuel environmental attributes to shipment depending on the need and provides a quarterly declaration. Carbon savings are then detailed in the shipowner’s CO2 emission dashboard and audited annually by a third party.

SEAalternative offer forms part of Bolloré Logistics’ CSR Programme “Powering Sustainable Logistics” launched in 2018, to provide sustainable supply chain solutions to its clients. The new GHG emission reduction targets for Bolloré Logistics, in line with SBTi are to reduce by 22% absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from downstream transportation and distribution by 2030 from a 2022 base year. Thus, Bolloré Logistics encourages its customers to integrate sustainability into the management of their activities,” the firm noted.

In April this year, French shipping giant CMA CGM Group entered into negotiations to acquire the transportation and logistics activities held through Bolloré Logistics. In July 2023,  Bolloré Group signed the share purchase agreement for the sale of Bolloré Logistics to CMA CGM.

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