Diving Ops to Start at Kentish Flats Extension

Business & Finance

Vattenfall has advised that the vessel Terramare 1 will be carrying out diving operations on the Kentish Flats Extension Offshore Wind Farm.

The diving is programed to start 26th March 2015 and last for 1 week weather depending.

The vessel will require an exclusion zone of 500 meters.

In February 2013 Vattenfall was granted consent to extend the existing Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm.

The Kentish Flats Extension (KFE) will be built on the southern side of the Outer Thames Estuary, immediately adjacent to the Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm, with the site boundaries adjoining the west and south, The extension will cover an area of approximately 7.8km² and will be constructed more than 7km from the shore.

KFE will have a maximum capacity of 49.5MW and will comprise of 15 turbines. The extension itself will be capable of generating up to 173,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of clean electricity every year, which is equivalent to the total annual electricity needs of up to 35,000 UK households.