Dredging Kicks Off in Lancelin

Business & Finance

Beaches at Lancelin, Perth, Western Australia, will be widened with the sand from the Department of Transport’s latest maintenance dredging campaign in the area.

Image source: Lancelin

Department of Transport (DoT) Maritime General Manager, Steve Jenkins, said that maintenance dredging, last completed in 2017, would restore channel depths and ensure safe navigation and access to the Lancelin Jetty.

“The $600,000 project will be undertaken over the next three months and see some of the dredged material placed on Grace Darling Beach, widening the coastline and enhancing the enjoyment of the area,” Mr Jenkins said.

It’s estimated that 15,000 cubic metres of sand will be dredged from the channels of which 10,000 cubic metres will be deposited on the beach south of the jetty and the remainder placed about one kilometre north of the jetty.

“Skippers operating in the area and people accessing the beach should be aware of the special safety arrangements implemented for the dredging and sand replenishment works. Sections of the beach may be temporarily closed to ensure public safety,” said DoT.

Mr Jenkins also said that testing had confirmed the dredged material could be deposited on the beach.