E.ON Has a Blast at Rampion (VIDEO)

Two controlled explosions took place at the Rampion offshore wind site at the beginning of this month as two explosive devices detected within the area this March were removed.

The two unexploded devices, thought to date from WWII, were detected on the seabed 3km off Lancing Beach at a water depth of 13m, have been safely disposed of following consultation with the Marine Management Organisation in line with all appropriate regulations, E.ON said.

Chris Tomlinson, E.ON Development Manager for the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm, said: “Since the discovery we worked with experts to determine the best course of action to clear the site for a routine controlled explosion.

“We weren’t sure if there would be much to see as it really depended on sea conditions and whether the explosive material was degraded over time. However as ever safety remains our highest priority and we requested that anyone wishing to watch proceedings stay on the beach.”

The 400MW Rampion offshore wind farm is being built 13km off the Sussex coast by E.ON, the UK Green Investment Bank plc and Canadian energy company Enbridge.

The project is due to be completed in 2018.