ETIP Ocean Invites Experts into New Technology Working Group

Research & Development

ETIP Ocean has issued an invitation for technical experts to join a new ‘Technology Working Group’ which aims to update the ‘Strategic Research Agenda’ (SRA) for ocean energy.

The new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda will detail the priority research, development and innovation challenges that most merit funding in the years ahead.

The existing SRA is a valued reference for the European Commission, and is also consulted by national and regional funding authorities. Participation in the Technology Working Group is an important way to influence the direction of funding for the sector.

Participants will take part in at least two webinars, and possibly a workshop, during 2019. There will also be an opportunity for written input.

Tecnalia will lead this work.

“We are looking for a wide variety of technical expertise, covering different technologies (wave, tidal, OTEC, salinity gradient) and different components of technologies,” ETIP Ocean said.

The deadline for expression of interest in joining the ETIP Ocean Technology Working Group is April 12, 2019.