Funding for EU ocean energy R&D up for public dissection

Authorities & Government
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A Trinomics-led consortium, on behalf of the European Commission, will be delivering a free-to-attend conference on ocean energy research, development and technologies next month in Brussels.

The conference will provide insights into the impacts of research and development (R&D) funded through the EU Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation, while also opening access to the Ocean Energy R&D Impact Report and an opportunity to influence the recommendations, according to the organizers.

During the conference, key industry experts will share their insights on the future of ocean technologies offering an opportunity to gain greater understanding of past and future research, trends and best practice for ocean energy.

Also, the conference – scheduled for October 16, 2018 – will provide a forum for public Q&A session with industry experts, the European Commission and other researchers.

Aside from Trinomics, other consortium members in charge of conference organization include Tecnalia, TNO, VTT, Tractebel and Ricardo.