Final Reminder for ETIP Ocean and DTOceanPlus Webinar

Research & Development

ETIP Ocean and DTOceanPlus are setting up a joint webinar on Stage Gate design tool for ocean energy.

Stage gate processes such as the Wave Energy Scotland programme, and also proposed by ETIP Ocean in the Powering Homes report, aim to mitigate risk through consistent assessment against standardised metrics for success. They allow comparing competing technologies and select the best, lowest risk options for further investment and development.

Stage gate processes have been seen to be successful in a range of new and emerging technology sectors.

DTOceanPlus is developing a Stage Gate design tool to provide a consistent assessment process and support the decision-making of several users including technology developers, public funders and investors.

Led by Wave Energy Scotland, project representatives will describe the general concept, its practical implementation and future work.

The webinar is being held on the 25th of February at 3 pm UTC / 4 pm CET. You can register here.