Free workshop on marine energy certification set for London

Authorities & Government

The MET-Certified project is organizing a free workshop on the certification of marine energy technologies this month in London.

The workshop is designed to actively involve all stakeholders around certification, from banks and insurers to consenting authorities, technology developers, test facilities and certification bodies.

During the workshop experts will explain the system which is being developed under the umbrella of the International Electro-Technical Commission (IEC), and provide information on the latest in standardization and certification for marine energy projects.

Stakeholders are invited to share their expectations and needs from the system at the workshop.

The ultimate goal is to ensure that by using world renowned standards and worldwide accepted certification, the risks of marine energy projects can be significantly reduced, making access to commercial funding possible.

The workshop will be hosted by the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in the London offices of Lloyd’s Register on June 22, 2017.

The MET-Certified project will host four workshops in total. After the first workshop in the Netherlands early in May, other workshops will be held in Paris and London in June, and in Ostend in September.

To remind, MET-Certified received €5.6 million from the European Commission late in 2016 to develop internationally recognized standards and certification schemes for marine energy technologies with the aim of increasing the adoption of bankable marine energy projects.