
Fugro Mercator to survey Statkraft’s Irish offshore wind site

Project & Tenders

Fugro is set to kick off a geophysical survey campaign at the North Irish Sea Array (NISA) offshore wind project at the end of May.


The 42-meter long survey vessel Fugro Mercator is expected to carry out the operations between 27 May and 30 June, weather permitting, at the site located off the coast of North County Dublin, Meath, and Louth.

The survey will utilize multibeam echo sounders, sub-bottom profilers, side-scan sonar, and magnetometer, both hull-mounted and towed.

Typically, the towed cable lengths will be about four times the water depth while acquiring survey data.

Work will be conducted during 24hr operations.

Source: NISA’s Marine Notice

NISA is one of the seven projects the Irish government designated as relevant to be fast-tracked through the then new marine planning regime.

Statkraft secured a foreshore license for site investigation at the project from the Irish government at the end of 2021.

Two months ago, Irish Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan TD, invited applications from the first batch of offshore wind projects, including NISA, for Maritime Area Consents (MACs).

The project will comprise between 30 to 36 turbines that will deliver around 530 MW of capacity. Construction is expected to begin in 2024, with commissioning planned for 2026.

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