Gazprom, Sibur to partner on Amur gas plant

Gazprom and Nipigaz, a part of Sibur, agreed to form a partnership on designing, coordinating equipment and material supplies as well as managing the construction of the Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP) near the town of Svobodny in the Amur Region.

The Amur GPP will become the biggest gas processing enterprise in Russia and one of the biggest ones in the world – its design capacity will reach up to 49 billion cubic meters of gas a year, according to a statement by Gazprom.

Nipigaz, acting as a contractor within the joint project, will prepare working documentation, supply equipment and materials, perform construction and installation activities at the Amur GPP and transfer the plant to Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk, a unit  of Gazprom, in a state of readiness.

Multicomponent gas from the Irkutsk and Yakutia gas production centers being built by Gazprom within the Eastern Gas Program will be delivered to the Amur GPP via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline.

The GPP will produce ready for sale methane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane-hexane fraction and helium.

In compliance with the project implementation schedule, it is planned to start pre-developing the construction site this year. Phased commissioning of the GPP process trains will be brought into step with the development of production capacities in Yakutia and the Irkutsk Region.

Gazprom’s Amur GPP will be technologically connected with the deep hydrocarbon conversion plant, the project for which is being considered by SIBUR.


Image: Gazprom