Google Hooks Up FASTER Subsea Link to Its Taiwan Data Center

Google has extend the Trans-Pacific link to the rest of Asia, with the investment in a cable that links FASTER submarine cable in Japan on to Taiwan.

Namely, Taiwan host Google’s largest data center in Asia which provides millions of people across Asia with quick access to its tools and services, now at speeds of up to 26 terabits per second.

To remind The FASTER subsea cable system, developed by a consortium of six international companies, came online in June. It linked Oregon in the United States and two landing points in Japan, namely Chiba and Mie prefectures.

According to Google, “this new cable should help Google products and services load more quickly across the region. It should also improve the reliability and consistency of this speedier experience, since the cable was strategically built outside of tsunami zones to help prevent network outages related to natural disasters.”

Subsea World News Staff