General Dynamics NASSCO Delivers Final Double-Hulled Tanker to BP Shipping

General Dynamics NASSCO, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD) , today delivered a fourth and final double-hulled oil tanker, the “Alaskan Legend,” to BP Shipping Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary and ship operating division of BP p.l.c. (ADR: BP).

The “Alaskan Legend” will depart San Diego on August 21, to join its NASSCO-built sister ships already in service: the “Alaskan Frontier,” “Alaskan Explorer” and “Alaskan Navigator.” The ship is capable of carrying up to 1.3 million barrels of crude oil and will operate between Alaska and western U.S. ports. The ship is double-hulled, diesel-electric powered, equipped with 20 separate cargo tanks, and has all of its cargo transfer piping inside the hull rather than on its decks to reduce the chance of accidental spills. NASSCO began constructing the ship in October 2004.