IHC Hytech in Dive Control Container Build

Business & Finance

IHC Hytech is building a dive control container at its workshop in Raamsdonksveer.

One container is already delivered and in operation.

The dive control container is divided in two sections, namely, one dive control section and a dive helmet workshop section.

The air-conditioned dive control section is fitted with two windows, with heat-preventing foil, on both longitudinal sides near the front end of the container, allowing a clear external view when sitting behind the dive control panel.

The dive control panel and the 19” rack is mounted at the front side of the container. The separation wall includes a whiteboard in the dive control room for smart notes from the salvage inspector. Another whiteboard will be mounted in the workshop section. The control panel consists of three identical sections (one section for each diver in green, yellow and red colours).

Each diver has a primary inlet line and is provided with one HP inlet of max. 200 bar and also a secondary gas supply, also withstanding 200 bar HP pressure.

According to IHC, the diving control panel complies with IMCA guidelines. Several monitors are installed to monitor the divers- and deck activities. The containers will be equipped with a video recording system.

The dive helmet workshop section comes with a stainless steel workshop desk on one side and a closet on the other side for storage of diving helmets.