
Integrated Logistics joins Green Marine program

Ports & Logistics

Integrated Logistics, a network of terminals providing cargo handling and stevedoring services in Newfoundland and Labrador, is Green Marine’s newest participant and the latest QSL subsidiary to join the voluntary environmental certification program for North America’s maritime industry.

With terminals in Argentia, Long Pond, and Goose Bay, Integrated Logistics said it shares Green Marine’s focus on continually improving sustainability. 

“Our economy in this province has always been tied to the development of our natural resources, to do this responsibly we must focus on all aspects of the supply chain that supports these industries,” Andrew Short, COO Integrated Logistics, commented.

Integrated Logistics joins its parent company, QSL, which has been a Green Marine participant since 2015.

“We’re pleased to see Integrated Logistics follow QSL’s lead by joining our environmental certification program,” David Bolduc, Green Marine’s Executive Director, said.

“The addition of Integrated Logistics reflects QSL’s commitment to sustainable operations throughout Canada and the United States.” 

The Green Marine environmental program addresses a number of environmental priority issues through its 14 performance indicators, including greenhouse gases, air emissions, leak and spill prevention, waste management, community relations, and underwater noise. Some indicators apply to landside operations and others to shipping activities.

Earlier this year, Green Marine added the performance indicator assessing community relations.

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The certification process is said to be rigorous and transparent, with the individual performance of each participant made public annually and the results independently verified every two years.