Italian cabling giant scoops €630 million contract for Adriatic Sea link

Italian cabling giant scoops €630 million contract for Adriatic Sea link

Project & Tenders

Italian cabling giant Prysmian Group has won another contract to deliver a submarine cable project in its homeland, worth around €630 million. With this, the company’s Projects Business Unit order intake exceeds €10 billion year to date, including preferred bidder agreements.

Source: Prysmian

Prysmian has secured the contract with Terna Rete Italia, fully owned by Italy’s transmission system operator (TSO) Terna, for the Adriatic Link project that will connect the central-southern and central-northern areas of Italy.

The HVDC bipolar cable line will allow a transmission capacity of up to 1,000 MW. The route, running for a total of approximately 250 kilometers, will be made up of two submarine cables with a length of approximately 210 kilometers across the Adriatic Sea.

Prysmian will also provide two underground cables of approximately 40 kilometers connecting each landing point to the regional substation.

Source: Prysmian

All submarine cables with XLPE insulation will be produced at Prysmian’s center of excellence located in Arco Felice, while the underground cables with P-laser insulation will be manufactured in Gron, France.

Installation will be carried out by the company’s cable-laying vessels (CLVs) Leonardo da Vinci and Monna Lisa. The conclusion of cable laying operations will take place within the first half of 2028.

“This award confirms the mutual trust and long-standing relationship between Terna and Prysmian Group, as this is the latest of several projects we are working on with the Italian TSO,” said H. Ozmen, EVP Projects BU at Prysmian. 

“We are proud to have the opportunity to play our role in the development of such a strategic infrastructure for our country, by making available the best “Made in Italy” submarine cable technology, contributing to the enhancement of power transmission in the centre of mainland Italy and, in line with the goals set out in the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC), to further support Italy’s role as an electricity hub for Europe and the whole Mediterranean region.”

Prysmian has already secured several submarine grid connection projects in the Mediterranean region such as the Tyrrhenian Link, the submarine cable link between Capri and Sorrento, and the submarine cable connection between the island of Elba and Piombino on the Italian mainland.