Jan De Nul

Jan De Nul to set up Crete-Peloponnese link

Project & Tenders

Jan De Nul and Hellenic Cables have joined forces to install and protect a submarine power cable between the island of Crete and the Peloponnese region of the Greek mainland.

CLV Isaac Newton

Greek grid operator Admie is developing the project.

Hellenic Cables, specifically through its subsidiary Fulgor, will produce the 135.7 kilometre long cable at its Corinth plant.

Jan De Nul is responsible for the installation of the cable in water depths up to 980 metres.

The company will also deliver cable protection up to 100 meters water depth on both shore sides.

Cable laying vessel Isaac Newton will execute the operation.

Wouter Vermeersch, manager Offshore Cables at Jan De Nul Group, said:

“After the successful execution of the Borkum Riffgrund 2 and Trianel export cable projects back in 2018, we continue our good relationship with Hellenic Cables through the award of this challenging interconnection project.

“The cable route runs over very deep waters and a difficult seabed with extremely steep slopes.”

The assignment awarded to Fulgor in 2018 also covers the design and manufacturing of 87 kilometres of 150kV underground cables.

Furthermore, it covers 204-kilometre underground cables from the submarine cables landing points in Crete to the substation in Chania area.

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