JERICO-S3 opens call for access to Coastal Observatories and Supporting Facilities

The H2020 funded JERICO-S3 project has opened its first call for access to the JERICO-S3 Coastal Observatories and Supporting Facilities.

Successful applicants will receive free access to test and validate their technology or research in a variety of coastal observing and supporting facilities across Europe.

The project is offering access to ferrybox lines, fixed platforms, cabled observatories, glider fleets, calibration facilities and various other specialist marine equipment based in coastal and shelf-sea areas.

The first call will focus on supporting user access in 2021.

Funded through the European Commission’s H2020 Framework Programme, JERICO-S3 is a follow-on project to the JERICO-NEXT project.

The Marine Institute as a project partner in the JERICO-S3 project is offering transnational access to the SmartBay Subsea Cabled Observatory and SmartBay Glider.

The Marine Institute’s Research Infrastructure manager Alan Berry said that “JERICO-S3 represents a unique opportunity for European scientists and engineers to avail of high-quality, interlinked instrumented infrastructures operating in coastal and shelf-sea areas for carrying out research and/or testing activities. Here in Ireland we are offering international access to the SmartBay Subsea Cabled Observatory and our Ocean Glider. We look forward to working with successful international applicants and maximising the opportunities for Irish marine research infrastructures throughout Europe”.

JERICO-S3 will provide users with technical assistance, travel support and complimentary core measurements that may be necessary to their work, if these are available. Projects will be selected based on the quality and novelty of the proposed activities.

Deadline for applications is October 31, 2020.