Kyle Conti Wins Port Monmouth Contract

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has awarded a $13.7 million contract to Kyle Conti Construction of Hillsborough, New Jersey, for the Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project in Port Monmouth. 

This contract will help fulfill the project’s second phase, which includes constructing a system of levees, a floodwall, a tide gate, etc.

The funding is part of the $110 million allocated for Port Monmouth in the Sandy relief package.

The first phase of the project was successfully completed in June of 2015 and included dune restoration, beach replenishment, groin work, extension of the fishing pier and construction of protective dunes.

The entire $110 million effort will offer significant protection to the area, which has suffered frequent flooding, erosion and damage from rain and coastal storms in recent years.

The Army Corps of Engineers hopes to complete the entire project by 2019.

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