Lex de Groot, Managing Director of Neptune Energy Netherlands, together with Coco Kossmann in the Navingo Career Podcast.

Lex de Groot: “We have a Speaking Up Culture”

Business & Finance

Lex de Groot, Managing Director of Neptune Energy in the Netherlands, is a guest in the new episode of the Navingo Career Podcast. For a fossil energy company, Lex de Groot is by no means a ‘fossil’ leader. Its business operations are modern and sustainable. De Groot talks about the ‘Speaking Up Culture’ within Neptune Energy and why this is not only crucial for safety but also for operations.

Lex de Groot, Managing Director of Neptune Energy Netherlands, together with Coco Kossmann in the Navingo Career Podcast.

Coco Kossmann, host of the podcast talks with De Groot about various subjects. The turbulent time which we live in at the moment and why producing hydrogen at sea and carbon capture storage are sustainable and efficient, for example. And what about the historically high energy prices? Listen to the Navingo Career Podcast episode #14 in Dutch.

View on Spotify.

If you want to participate in the energy transition or want a (more) sustainable job? Then you may have more in common with this company than you might initially think.

Lex de Groot, Managing Director of Neptune Energy Netherlands in Navingo Career Podcast
Lex de Groot, Managing Director of Neptune Energy Netherlands in Navingo Career Podcast

For a fossil energy company, Lex de Groot is by no means a ‘fossil’ leader. Its business operations are modern and sustainable. Fun fact, De Groot is vegan and drives a Lexus. Neptune Energy is building a sustainable future, everything at this company revolves around the energy transition.

In the podcast, De Groot says that we are in transition when it comes to energy. This means we should not exclude any recourse or innovation, we need the complete energy mix to accomplish the energy transition.

In addition to the new sustainable office in The Hague and how Neptune Energy deals with Corona, De Groot explains the ‘Speak Up Culture’ at Neptune Energy and why he considers this is one the most important skill for the company. And he talks about his fascination for mining engineering and who inspired him in his career. What are the learning moments? And what kind of leader is De Groot?

For questions or info for the Navingo Career Podcast send a message to [email protected]

Lex de Groot together with Coco Kossmann in the Navingo Career Podcast.
Lex de Groot, Managing Director of Neptune Energy Netherlands, together with Coco Kossmann in the Navingo Career Podcast.