National associations commit to advancing clean hydrogen across Europe


More than 20 national hydrogen associations have agreed to strengthen their cooperation in hydrogen technologies deployment by signing a Cooperation Charter for European Associations Advancing Clean Hydrogen.

The associations from across Europe gathered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on May 14 and signed the cooperation charter which will guide the joint efforts to establish favorable conditions for European leadership in hydrogen technologies. 

The signing took place during the European Hydrogen Associations Assembly, organized by Hydrogen Europe and co-hosted by NLHydrogen, counted with the participation of 23 national associations. The key topic of the discussion was the transposition of the Renewable Energy Directive and how to ensure the development of enabling regulation in different Member States of the EU.

Through this document, the associations commit to working together towards their common goals, via actions to promote hydrogen technologies deployment, de-risking of investments, and the development of capacity-building efforts.

Key principles outlined in the Cooperation Charter for European Associations Advancing Clean Hydrogen include:

  • Advocating for comprehensive policy backing for hydrogen technologies at national, regional, and European levels; 
  • Working together to establish thriving clean hydrogen markets and skills development, based on a technology open approach; 
  • Supporting the effective integration of EU legislation into national frameworks, fostering harmonisation across Europe; 
  • Sharing best practices through participation in national and European events organised by fellow associations, and actively participating in the European Hydrogen Week; 
  • Establishing alliances with national chambers of commerce and other relevant organisations to advocate for hydrogen as a crucial tool for reducing carbon emissions. 

The Cooperation Charter for European Associations Advancing Clean Hydrogen – signed here today with more than 20 national hydrogen associations – is an expression of our commitment to working together in the coming years to facilitate hydrogen deployment at national levels”, said Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO of Hydrogen Europe. 

It is a very anticipated event, recognising the role of our hydrogen associations in supporting their governments and industry in the challenging task of transposing sector defining legislation and targets at national level, such as RED III.”