NCE Subsea Bonds with Subsea Rio Cluster

Business & Finance

NCE Subsea Bonds with Subsea Rio Cluster

The state government of Rio de Janeiro is turning to NCE Subsea for input and support in the formation of a local subsea cluster. The future cooperation will increase business and R&D opportunities between the clusters.

On September 17, 2013, NCE Subsea signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Secretariat of Economic Development, Energy, Industry and Services (SEDEIS) in Rio de Janeiro. According to the MoU, NCE Subsea is to assist the state government in the modeling and managing of the Rio de Janeiro subsea cluster. The MoU was signed by Mr. Julio Bueno, the Secretary of Economic Development in the state of Rio de Janeiro and Mr. Trond Olsen, CEO of NCE Subsea, at the headquarters of SEDEIS on September 17, 2013.

Read the article in Portuguese NCE Subsea assina termo de cooperação com subsea cluster no Rio.

NCE Subsea as model

– We are very happy to sign this agreement with NCE Subsea. Norway is an example to us, especially in the development of a local subsea industry. We have a lot to learn, Mr. Bueno said during the signing ceremony. Representatives from Innovation Norway, INTSOK and the Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro were also present at the signing.

The MoU is part of an initiative taken to attract investments and create a fertile soil for new partnerships, innovation and the development of cutting-edge subsea technology in the region. A local subsea cluster will formally be launched within the next few months. The long term ambition for SEDEIS is to develop a local industry that is competitive internationally, and NCE Subsea was the first international business cluster they turned to. The MoU is also the first ever signed by the Rio cluster.

– NCE Subsea is pleased and honored by the fact that you have chosen us as cooperating partner for the Rio cluster. This is obviously something we take great pride in. We have been working closely with the supply industry for several years, and try to enable innovation, better technological solutions and offer a better understanding of the market. We have gained a lot of experience, and are happy to pass on these experiences, Mr. Trond Olsen says.

According to Sub-Secretary Marcelo Vertis, who lead a Brazilian delegation to UTC in Bergen earlier this year, NCE Subsea has always been very “responsive and cooperative”.

– We are still working on the formation of the Rio cluster, with NCE Subsea as a model. Now we intend to turn the MoU into real actions, he says.

Priviliged position in Brazil

Although the Norwegian model needs to be adapted to Brazilian reality and market regulations, the cooperation initiated with the signing of the MoU, gives the Norwegian subsea companies a privileged position in Brazil.

– A very substantial subsea industry is under development in Rio. Smaller companies are becoming more focused on technology, and through this agreement we are well positioned to take part in this development. We hope the agreement can be a stepping stone for Norwegian companies looking to enter the Brazilian market, Mr. Olsen says.

According to the MoU the parties plan to coordinate the use of promoting and funding mechanisms in order to facilitate partnerships between Brazilian and Norwegian companies and institutions in the development of new technologies, products and services. The parties also intend to implement actions to increase competitiveness and stimulate internationalization.

The Subsea Index will be used actively as a matchmaking tool in the collaboration between the parties. The index is a bilingual database created to facilitate the search for business partners, suppliers or customers in the subsea industry.

– When the state government of Rio asked for our assistance, it is because they see what we have accomplished in Norway and see that they have something to learn, both in the development of a cluster, and as a facilitator in the creation of new partnerships, Trond Olsen concludes.

Press Release, September 20, 2013