Nearly €800 million subsidy goes to seven large hydrogen projects in Netherlands

Business & Finance

Seven hydrogen projects in the Netherlands have received a subsidy of almost €800 million from the second wave of Hydrogen Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEIs).

Illustration of the proposed Holland Hydrogen I site (Source: Shell)

The projects that received the financial support were assessed by The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) in the past months and were approved to receive a total of €783.5 million grant.

If completed according to plan, the selected projects will together provide a capacity of 1,150 MW of electrolysis to produce hydrogen, which is more than a quarter of the Climate Agreement 2030 target.

The companies that passed the assessment include Rotterdam Hydrogen Company BV (Shell), H2ermes BV, Air Liquide Industrie BV, HyCC / H2-Fifty BV, Ørsted Hydrogen Netherlands Holding BV and Engie Energie Nederland NV. 

With this subsidy, the government aims to support the hydrogen market and the technologies required for its development.

The projects selected as part of the Hydrogen IPCEIs are said to be complementary, have synergy with each other and contribute to strategic European goals in the field of hydrogen.

There are four waves of Hydrogen IPCEI, with a total available budget of €1.6 billion in the Netherlands.

Earlier this year, subsidies for technology development were awarded under the first wave.

The third wave focuses on storage and import infrastructure with a total budget of €595 million. The subsidy scheme for this wave was open for registration last month and RVO is currently assessing the applications. 

For the fourth wave, an amount of €199 million is available for hydrogen in mobility and transport.

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