Illustration - DEK Area; Source: Neptune Energy

Neptune Energy’s VP of exploration set to leave

Business & Finance

The vice-president of exploration and development at oil and gas company Neptune Energy has opted to leave her role in the fall of 2020.

Illustration - DEK Area; Source: Neptune Energy
Gro Haatvedt; Source: Neptune Energy
Gro Haatvedt; Source: Neptune Energy

Neptune Energy said on Thursday that Gro Haatvedt would leave her executive role as VP of exploration and development at the end of September 2020.

According to the oil and gas firm, she will remain with Neptune Energy as a distinguished advisor.

Under her leadership, Neptune achieved discoveries at Isabella in the UK, Echino South and Sigrun East in Norway, and Schwegenheim in Germany.

In her advisory role, Haatvedt will provide insight and expertise to support the technical review of exploration and development prospects as well as geological and geophysical activity. She will also advise on the ongoing development of Neptune’s digital subsurface solutions.

The company added that the senior management change reflected a group structure more focused on those activities that will deliver the most value in prevailing market conditions. As a result, exploration and development will be focused on prospects that are most cost-effective in the short-term and most value-creating in the long-term.

Jim House, Neptune’s CEO, said: “Gro has been instrumental in Neptune’s growth. She created our exploration capability and the results we have achieved are a testament to her leadership.

“I am delighted she will remain with the business in her new role to provide insight and technical expertise as we develop our exploration portfolio further”.

It is worth noting that the exploration and development team will report to Andrea Guerra from October, in the new combined role of VP for subsurface.

To remind, Neptune made an addition to its UK management team this year when it hired Alexandra Thomas as a managing director in March.

She joined Neptune from Tullow Oil where she most recently held the position of head of exploration, development, and commercial for Ghana.